understanding the “i am”…that is you…

“I would not give a snap of My finger whether I was a prince, a king, a sheep herder – or what I was in the past, because when you come to the point of the Acknowledgment of your “Presence”, then you have entered into your Eternal Stream of Freedom.

There is nothing that can interfere with your Victory so long as you refuse to give your Life to discordant appearances, through your attention.

There have been any number of people who have, because of the unusualness of it, begun to look back, and thus enter into the vibratory action of embodiments in which they have lived in the past; and their entire attention was taken off the Glory of their Victory.

Now that is why, Dear Ones, tonight I call your attention to this, because there are some of the Students who unknowingly are dropping into such habits. I plead with you, do not do it!

Give you whole attention, your whole Life to the “Presence”, that It may again return Its Energy to you, intensified with the feeling of Its Perfection and Purifying Activity. As you do that, Beloved Ones, you will find such Glory filling your mind and body.

On this particular point, do you know Saint Germain is adamant? He says, “Do not dare give your attention to any of Us before you give it to your ‘Presence’.”

This correct attitude is a most wonderful thing, because after all, your “Presence” is you!

It is All-powerful.  Even We bow to the Majesty of the “Presence” of you who have not yet Ascended, because your “Presence” knows exactly what you require – I mean through your Higher Mental Body.

The “Presence” of an unascended being is not cognizant of the requirements down here, but that one’s Higher Mental Body is. It knows your requirements and needs, therefore answers full and completely if your attention is not divided.

Will you not accept this tonight, Precious Hearts, with the fullest cooperative power, and call your Higher Mental Body into action to seize and hold your attention on Perfection?

Call to your “Presence” to use Its Mighty Discriminating Intelligence to stand Guard over you. Every time you start to feed your Life into some appearance out here, It will prompt you like that [quick wave of hand].

Then if you say, “Oh no, no more of that!”  you will be surprised how quickly you can reverse those activities and bring your attention back to the “Presence”, to prevent your Life going out into a scattering activity and acceptance of appearances that come before you.

You have no idea how powerful this is.”

Beloved Rex

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