understanding the “i am”…that is you…

“Do you know, Precious Ones, how important it is to bless everyone and give all courage?


Take yourselves here today. How many are there in this room who do not appreciate with all their Hearts a kindly word?

Someone lays his hand on your shoulder and says, “I am grateful you are winning your Victory.” Is there any one here who would not appreciate such encouragement to its fullest extent?

That is what mankind needs. It does not mean, Dear Hearts, at every little appearance out here, that person has gone wrong.

Now do not misunderstand what I am going to say to you. The Messengers have always pled with you to turn wholly to your “Mighty I AM Presence” for everything.


We have watched a certain activity is why I am doing this.

If you have some serious problem to handle, be careful how you let others know your need. If the knowledge of your need touches someone who is discordant, you have just that much more to handle.

This is the point! Beloved Ones, is there anything in the Universe more powerful than your “Presence”? Is there? Oh, surely not.

Do you think someone in the physical – and I know you do often think it – has more ability to call your “Presence” into action than you have?

Well, suppose that were the case temporarily. Do you not see that sooner or later you will come to the place where you will meet the condition when you must stand wholly with your “Presence”, not looking to a single thing outside.

The moment you really do that, your troubles will cease, Precious Ones.

I assure you that the moment you can turn wholly to your “Presence” and say “‘Mighty I AM Presence’, I am just looking to You!” you cannot fail to have results.”


God Tabor

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